Matthew 7:13-14 ...for wide is the
gate and broad is the road that leads
to destruction and many will go through
it, but narrow is the road that leads to
life and few there will be that finds it.

Crossroads Camp 2024
Another camp is in the books. What an amazing time
that was had by all
. We saw three young people
come to be confirmed in the Christian faith.
Children were able to escape life for a week
to focus on the creator of life. Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram as we relive camp
2024 and look forward to camp 2025.

Jeremy Martin
Countdown Clock

Crossroads YouTube Page

See videos from
the past camps.


The 2024 Crossroads Camp location
will be held at Hargis Christian Camp
in Chelsea, AL the week of
July 2-6, 2024. Price:$295

Crossroads Camp Age Groups:
Just Completed Grades 3-5.
Just Completed Grades 6-8.

(All Grades Completed By May of Current Calendar Year)

Go to the Contact Us page and send your favorite staff members an email.


Would you like to donate to Crossroads Ministries?
We are a 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization.

You may donate by check to:
Crossroads Ministries
1001 Taylor's Circle
Moody, AL 35004

You may also make a donation using
PayPal by clicking on the link below

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Begin receiving updated information
on the latest Crossroads activity as well as what is happening with camp.


Many of you had some great Bible questions at camp that
Mr. Dallas and Mr. Jeff did not get to answer. Click on the
"Ask The Bible Teachers" button and send them an email
with your question. They would love to hear from you.


This web site is dedicated to the memory of Chuck Farmer. He not only introduced me to camps when I was a teenager,
but he also introduced me to the Lord Jesus Christ. He was my mentor and friend and I expect he still will be when I join him in heaven.
-Tony Butler



For more information please contact Camp Directors
Tony and Sherry Butler.
Phone: 205-603-5450
email: Tony and Sherry


